Friday, November 04, 2005

A Note, Because I've Been Away

A quick update that will not be a real post. I have one on what its like to ride in (IN!) the Presidential motorcade that is maybe half done that I'll be putting up in epic trilogy form. But its not done and right now I need to mention a few things:

1. Working in the professional media has been a disheartening experience. As I'm learning in ever more grizzly detail via my research paper, all too often the media are forced (choose?) not to pursue a story and focus more on simply reporting what people say, inferring somehow that there are no objective facts to be found, only opposing opinions to be endlessly repeated...

2. Washington DC is an enchanting, inspiring city. I love the monuments and statues that are everywhere, commemorating the footsteps on the foundation of our country. They make me feel a part of something bigger than myself, some legacy, like life is a play and I may contribute but a few lines, as Mr. Keating would say...

3. Thomas Jefferson knew what he was doing, building his house on Monticello. His Virginia-centric worldview seems warranted at that house. It is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been, and that’s coming from a Southern California boy whose family is from Hawaii. The Blue Ridge Mountains, which surround the hill upon which Monticello resides, appear like the ocean, peeking through the trees on Jefferson's property. Sometimes I guess I see what I want to see. But more to the point, Monticello (and the University of Virginia, for that matter) served to make me even more certain that, if the Framers were a boy band, and I were a twelve-year-old girl, Thomas “TJ” Jefferson would be on my middle school locker…

4. There is a girl. Good lord is there a girl.

Motorcade story is up next. See you soon!


Blogger Mike said...

Just so not every single comment on your blog is from some automated advertising robot...

Keep up the good work, Gus. Fight the good fight over there in D.C., and keep writing these entertaining blogs.

Peace out, bitch!

2:38 AM  

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